Latest Q-News issue: What is Q-News worst feature?

Its ludicrously extortianate price

Its constant sniping and attacking other Muslims

Its publishing articles on Films, TV and Music

Its belittling the muhajideen - see latest issue article by Abdul Wahab el-Affendi

Its general -"lets be arty while the ummah is being slaughtered" tone

Its publishing articles on Islam by those not qualified to write about it -i.e. non-ulema

Its general "Liberal nafsy "tone

All of the above


Muslim schools - How to protect your kids from Q-News
Greatest hypocrites - Q-News
Distorted review -
Well done Q-News - Letter from Ariel Sharon
More movies - Astagfirullah!!


Safe to marry cousins, says report,  -Not safe to buy Q-News other report
Starbucks' chief: "Palestinians - anti-semitic", 
McDonald's sued by vegetarians for $12m,- Credit where its due beneficial articles  
Persecuted for wearing hijab - from the magazine which printed letters attacking hijab!
Crime compensation goes unclaimed - i.e. Q-News subscribers being offered extra compensatory issues
Alcoholism destroying our health service - gheebah destroying our ummah

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